For those of you left, we will begin at the beginning.
Now NB Princess Lucy is around 15 years old and some of the inner ash window trims have suffered a little with water damage. This is only through condensation, but over time those nasty black marks have grown and they don't look pretty.
Before you could say Screwfix a new plan evolved. Enter Jim Cook (of Chertsey fame - and many other boats). He suggested Oxalic Acid. What?
Well, according to You Tube, Canal World, and other popular sites that have the answer to everything (I didn't check mumsnet), oxalic acid will indeed remove water marks from wood! So armed with a kilogram of the (fairly nasty) stuff, I set about the second window.
Hopefully which picture is before, and which is after, is obvious!
The new (clear) varnish has left the wood a little lighter than before, but a weakish mixture of some coloured varnish I use for making pine look like ash should help here. (It is a 50/50 mix of beech and medium oak varnishes).
Tomorrow, we will try the trims on the boat and First-Mate will raise her hand into the air, and the thumb will either go up - for Jim's Acid Method, hereafter called "JAM", or thumb down - for a winter chained in the garage, planing, and choking on sawdust.