Wednesday 16 December 2015

Sunset over Lock 12

Today we expected to battle tempests on our cruise from Macclesfield down the Bosley flight. It is December after all, but the reality was rather different.  The weather was benign and we even saw the sun. Typical of the British climate, it felt like Spring. It was a hassle free trip, with an overflowing canal and full pounds, locks filled and drained quickly and this speeded our progress. 

We were the only moving boat on that stretch of canal today, and those who didn't venture out missed a treat. As we meandered out of lock 12 and on to our Dane aqueduct mooring, we cruised into a glorious sunset.

It feels like we are hundreds of miles from the Christmas shoppers that we saw jostling in Macclesfield yesterday.

All is peaceful and it's pasta and Prosecco time on board Princess Lucy.

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